Extracto Concentrado De Hierbas Cistanche Rou Cong Rong Dimm

Extracto Concentrado De Hierbas Cistanche Rou Cong Rong Dimm Precio: $240763
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Premium quality traditional 5:1 concentrate extract of Rou Cong Rong / Cistanche. Lab tested and used to mix with hot water to make Chinese herb teas - USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC Rou Cong Rong (Cistanche Deserticola) Extract Powder 5:1 - LAB TESTED Cistanche Deserticola extract powder. This is not Tubulosa, Cistanche Tubulosa is NOT Rou Cong Rong. Make sure you are buying the correct superior supplement in Cistanche Deserticola. - MIXES easily with hot water or dissolve in food, drink, smoothie, or shake - HIGHEST QUALITY Chinese Herb in full herb extract to 5:1 which makes it 5 times more potent than raw powder. - SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Based herbal company